Thank You (Parents Song)

Hello, it is your one and only Urieeya, so today I will be presenting or telling you about a song for our parents.
If you do not know, my fellow graduates and me will be singing this during our graduation day for our parents.
The song is entitled: “Thank you (Parent’s Song)”
If you would listen to the song, it starts in a line, ‘Remember when I sat upon your knee’. Many flashbacks flooded into my mind.

I definitely remember the way my mother teased me about how I used to sit. I may not do those things due to I am almost as tall as my mother is and it is already quite awkward but I occasionally do sit on her knee.

My mother signals me to sit in her lap even though if I sit, I would already be too heavy. She kisses my cheeks as if I was still a little baby.

It felt very comfortable though.

You see if you listen to the whole song, it tells you about the things, the memories, the valuable gifts, the hard work they have done. The song will give you the flashbacks or the past moments that you have done with your parents.

As for me, not only my biological or blood-related parents are the only ones. I also consider those people who also treated me like their own. 

Parents are not always blood-related, parents can be people who have supported you from tough times, and parents can be people that care and love you.

I was very touched in the last part of the song. The child said ‘I love you mama’ and the mother replied ‘I love you too baby’

I wanted to leave a message for all different types of parents:

Thank you for all the hard work, thank you for the times you have spent on us. Thank you for showing us the wonders of the world. You may not be a perfect parent, but you will always be the best for me. I love you mom, I love you dad.
Image result for single parents
Image result for parents cartoonRelated image

Thank you


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