Moira Dela Torre- Before It Sinks In (Meaning)

Before It Sinks In (Meaning)

By: Gabbi


So, today this post is just about a song that just knew maybe a few days ago. I really liked it! I decided to make my reaction or my interpretation of the song.

The link of the song is

The title of the song is:

“Before It Sinks In”by the one of the famous singers these days, Moira Dela Torre.

The song really affected me when I first heard it. I never really understood it at first but when I kept on playing it, I was moved by the lyrics.

My interpretation or what I felt and learned about this song are:
Waiting isn’t really a bad thing. That there is always hope whenever you have perseverance and you are brave throughout life. Trusting Lord that whenever life’s a mess, He can beautiful things out of it. Our life is not only full of happiness but also anger and sadness.

There was a line in this that said “When the only love I've come to know. Have this past and left me alone.” I was really moved by this line. It’s like you are already afraid of loving someone because of your previous experience. And this manner or situation doesn’t only apply in love but in life, in reality.

Note: What I placed up there is just my personal interpretation. All the credits if for the rightful owners.. THANK YOU!


  1. Or maybe your afraid to feel hurt

  2. I have watched one of her interviews about his dad who left them and this inspired her to write these lyrics. Whenever I hear this song I can also remember how I was left behind and choosing the other home. It is a super sad song. 🥳

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