Hello dear readers! 
This our introduction. Please bear with us because we are just beginners in making blogs. 
Our group is named PURPLE BEE.  We, Purple Bee consists of 3 members. Purple Bee was created just this morning, its name came from our individual names.

Beginning with the member's introduction:

The first member's introduction:

Hi! My name is 𝓊𝓇𝒾𝑒𝑒𝓎𝒶 in most of my accounts. Basically, the 'EE' in Purple Bee came from my name but Urieeya isn't actually my real real birth name. If you are a wattpad reader or simply called a wattpader you would know, my actual name. SOOO follow me first in wattpad.
I am not a famous author but I make stories. One of my best stories currently is "I loved My Bully" a kpop fanfiction. So READ IT NOW. hehehe jk.

The second member's introduction:
Hello fellow readers! My name is Purplebora but I don't use this name in most of my accounts but this isn't my real name If you want to know things about me follow me on wattpad. I promise i'll publish my story like how I promised my friends. Not a perfect author but please support me. STRONG POWER THANK YOU!

The third member's introduction:
Bounjour my fellow bloggers and readers! My name is Gabbi and I am the maknae or the youngest in our group. My close and best friends call me that because of a certain someone. I won’t plug my accounts but if you want to follow me in wattpad my acc. name is @stellacelineYR or Gabbi. I used to write stories but I unpublished them because I wanted to make it into something better plus I lost inspiration. I am called the LOVE EXPERT in our group. I seem great in giving love advices to others but to myself I’m not.

And in behalf of our group, Please continue to support and read our blog posts. We plan to place lyrics of songs in any dialect and we will explain our own interpretation of our songs. PLEASE REFRAIN from posting hate comments in our comments section or simply please DO NOT say things that can hurt our members. We do not tolerate such actions.

WE WILL UPDATE THRICE A WEEK! Please comeback! We decided not to specify the days of our updates because we maybe busy in school.

 Thank You! Hope you understand!


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