Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA (Meaning)

Slipping Through My Fingers (Meaning)

By: Gabbi

The song I am going to explain today is titled

Slipping Through My Fingers. 

The link of the song in case you want to listen to it is

The song delivers the feeling of a mother whenever her daughter or child leaves. The song came from the movie “Mamma Mia”.
It slips through her fingers, the moments or the time when her child was young. Now, she’s all grown up. The mom is afraid to be left by her child.

I personally love the movie “Mamma Mia”. My mom reminded me of this song while we were driving down the road. I also get the message of the song that try and cherish the moments you have with your loved ones, because you never know when they are going to leave you.

This is also a song that allowed me to reflect to the things I've been doing. I tried to understand the scolding and corrections that my mother gave me. I also encourage you to do what I do and did, because they only want the best for us.

That’s all for now, loves! See you next week!! 😉

                                                                          - Gabbi 


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